

Level – B1 (intermediate)
Tetiana Blazhevych ,
A teacher of English,
Gymnasium ,
-         to facilitate students’ free speaking by eliciting personal experience and knowledge;
-         to enrich students’ vocabulary;
-         to revise Conditionals I and II;
-         to develop students’ creative and critical thinking;
-         to make students aware of the values in life and the place of money in the modern society.
Equipment: cards with vocabulary tasks, strips with halves of the proverbs, magnet board.
I.                   INTRODUCTION
T: Dear students, today we will have a good opportunity to discuss a very important  thing “Money”. The topic of today’s lesson is “Money Has Different Names”. In the lesson you are going to  practise in oral speech and exchange your opinions on the topic.
II.               WARMING-UP
T: I would like to start our today’s lesson with a poem
Money has different names
In temple or church it’s called donations.
In school it’s fee.
In marriage it’s called dowry
In divorce  alimony.
When you pay the government it’s tax.
In court it’s fines.
Civil servant retirees it’s pension.
Employer to workers it’s salary.
Master to subordinates it’s wages.
To children it’s allowance.
When you borrow from bank it’s loan.
When you offer after a good service it’s tips.
To kidnappers it’s ransom.
Illegally received in the name of service it’s bribe.
T: Although money has different names, it  makes the world go round.
T: What do people need money for ?


IV.             SPEAKING
T: A lot of people in the world think and dream about money, they need it very much. But what is money ?
S1: Money is coins or paper bills. Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Almost every society now has coins and paper bills of one kind or another. In Ukraine we have the hryvnia, in the USA – the dollar, in Great Britain – the pound etc. Although we have different currencies, they play the same role in all countries of the world: money is the source of our life.
V.                WORK  WITH  PROVERBS
T: People have created different proverbs and sayings about money. Some of  them are written on the blackboard. Read and complete the following proverbs by choosing an ending . Then try to explain what each proverb means.
1.     Money is a good servant …                         a) no smell.
2.     Lend your money …                                      b) the man
3.     Money spent on the brain is …                   c) but a bad master
4.     Money has …                                                    d) all things.
5.     Money answers …                                           e) and lose your friend.
6.     Money makes …                                               f) never spent in vain.
VI.             ROLE-PLAY  “INTERVIEW”
T: It is interesting to know what our teenagers  think about money. Our reporter XY will help us to find out their opinions on this subject.
 Role 1. You are a reporter. Interview some young people in order to learn what money means to them and if they want  to be millionaires and why.
1.     Is money important to you ?
2.     What does money mean to you ?
3.     How much pocket money do you need a week ?
4.     Can you earn money or do your parents give it to you ?
5.     What do you spend your money on ?
6.     What is your most valuable possession?
7.     Do you want to be a millionaire? Why ?
8.     Is it possible to have too much money?
9.     Do you agree that having a lot of money makes you free?
10.   What can’t money buy?
11.   Do you agree that muck and money go together?
12.   Does money really make the world go round?
13.   Can money make us happier?

Reporter: The survey indicated that money is very useful to people, they need it to buy food , clothes, all necessary things for their life, but it is not the most important thing for them. Teenagers spend their money on books, CD players, music, cosmetics, socializing etc. They want to have a lot of money , even to be millionaires in order to change thei life for the better. They see their success as solely dependent on their own efforts. They want to have an interesting but a well-paid job to satisfy all their demands and be independent.
T: So let’s make a list of advantages and  disadvantages of money.
  Advantages of money                                  Disadvantages of money
You can buy whatever you want                   You are afraid to lose your money
You can travel all over the world                   Everybody asks you to lend money
You needn’t work                                                It’s difficult to find real friends
You can always help
Your relatives and friends
T:  And now, imagine you are allowed to have some gifts, which you think are the most important. Choose three gifts, which you think are the most important.
  • good health
  • plenty of money
  • a nice house
  • a brilliant mind
  • an attractive face
  • lots of friends
  • a good job
  • a fast car
  • a happy marriage
  • a long life
  • an artistic talent
T:  The phrases may help you:
I think the most important thing in life is…
The one thing I’d like to have is…
T:  So we can make a conclusion that money is not on the first place.
Money can buy a house,
But not a home.
Money can buy a bed,
But not a sleep.
Money can buy a clock,
But not time.
Money can buy a book,
But not knowledge.
Money can buy food ,
But not an appetite.
Money can buy position,
But not respect.
Money can buy blood,
But not life.
Money can buy insurance,
But not safety.
You see, money is not everything.
A lot of people dream of becoming millionaires. There are different reasons for it. But  it is not easy , because you know that money doesn’t grow in the trees, you have to earn it.
 How do people become millionaires?
S1: Some people earn money, they work hard.
S2: Some people inherit money from their rich relatives.
S3: Some people find money or treasures.
S4: Some people win  money in lottery.
S5: Some people gamble and win money.
S6: There are people who steal money from others or even rob the rich or banks.
T.: Let’s play a little. The game is called “Chains of events”. Use the second conditional and don’t forget that you should start your own sentence from the previous one.
You should start your chain of events with the words:
If  I were a millionaire…                            I would buy a lottery ticket
If I won I million dollars in a                       I would buy an island
If I bought an island…                               I would build a big house there
If I built a big house…                               I would have parties every day
If I had parties every day…                       I would invite all my friends
If I invited all my friends…                         I would spend all my money.
T: It goes without  saying  that money plays a great role in our life.
What  types of money do you know? What  do you do with money ? How does money influence people?  To answer these questions I want you to work  in groups of four. Write as many words as possible to complete the mind map.

Group 1 write nouns to complete the mind map “Types of money”.
Group 2 write verbs to complete the mind map “Money operations”.
Group 3 write adjectives to complete the mind map “Money makes us “.
Possible ideas:
Group 1

Group 2
Group 3
T: Which of the following phrases mean “being rich” and which mean “being poor”?  Would you be happy or miserable if you :
-         fell on hard times? (poor)
-         lived in the lap of luxury ? (rich)
-         couldn’t make ends meet? (poor)
-         were made of money? (rich)
-         were down and out? (poor)
-         had to tighten your belt? (poor)
-         lived on a shoestring? (poor).
X.                WRITING
T: What suggestions would you give to someone who has won a lot of money ?
Make up a list of suggestions. Start with:
   If you win a lot of money , you should……
XI.             SUMMING-UP
T: So our lesson is coming to an end. Thank you for sharing your ideas and opinions with us and for your hard work  during the lesson. Your marks are …
Home Assignment
T: Your home assignment is to write   an essay “Money in our life”.

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